I went to a watchtower study at my old congregation about a year ago(been away for 28 years) bunch of old faces making scripted comments that made little common sense. That's what you get from the audience when you have shitty watchtower study article full of utter nonsensical stuff pouring off of every page. So quite naturally people aren't gonna be in a hurry to give any zinger enthusiastic comment when having this shit read out loud even if they underlined the whole dam thing the night before. The Truth is in the shithouse and nobody's giving real supportive comments. I would even bet the lack of good comments is that many in attendance know TTATT and can't even give comments any more they just sit their like dummies all pissed off at these assholes.
So they take a study article to try and improve morale and encourage a sense of duty to give more thoughtful comments. These assholes on the Governing Body are stuck on stupid the way they attack problems. They are in denial of anything that reflects negatively of them, you can be disfellowshipped for saying anything against them that's how they silence critics in effect saying lalalalalalalalalalalalalalla with their fingers in their ears I can't hear you go away and leave me alone.
I see a mass exodus very soon perhaps they better hurry up the fire sale before ain't anybody left to keep these place from becoming vandalized by angry public due to a very bad internet reputation as being evil.